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Spooky forest

Spooky forest

By: LayaMe studio

اللعبة قيد التطوير. قم بالتسجيل المسبق
ليتم إخطارك عندما تكون اللعبة جاهزة للعب

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"The Spooky Forest" is a large-scale roguelike shooting game made by LayaMe. After entering the game, it is the main scene. In this small base area, players can buy their favorite skins and guns to arm themselves Role, and can enter the battle map at any time.

The main gameplay of the game is to control the character to kill the mobs and bosses in the map, and collect the loot dropped by the boss. The loot will be collected in the base area. Each loot has its own story.

The biggest feature of the game is that players can edit and release levels for other players to experience. Player levels can also drop different types of loot. In addition, players can improve their abilities through combat, such as attack speed and attack power. In the game, there is a supply box with a wealth of supplies. There are various types of guns, summons and various boosters. Players can combine different character abilities through the combination of weapons. Each time they enter the map, they will be different. Experience!

For more information, please join the official player group to understand: 554189420

Spooky forest
Hossam Galal

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